Each year the call for nominations to the SCOLT Executive Board is issued to current Sponsors and Patrons. SCOLT values the input of its supporters in both nominating and voting for members of the Executive Board. In the Fall of each year, current SCOLT Sponsors and Patrons will be asked to submit candidates for consideration for election to the SCOLT Executive Board to assume office at the end of the next annual conference. All names submitted are reviewed by the nominations committee that strives to provide a balance on the SCOLT Executive Board (considerations: states represented, languages, levels, etc.). The Nominee must be a current SCOLT Sponsor or Patron and is an active supporter of foreign language education and professionalism. Nominees, if elected, serve a four-year term on the SCOLT Executive Board. Before nominating a candidate, please contact the person and confirm that his or her name can be placed in nomination and that the person accepts the responsibilities of serving on the SCOLT Executive Board inclusive of conference activities. A electronic ballot of candidates for the SCOLT Executive Board will be made available annually to current SCOLT Sponsors and Patrons for consideration.
Leslie Baldwin, Executive Director
PO Box 11348
Winston-Salem, NC 27116
c. 336-422-6192